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About Cross Brand Group


The Cross Brand Group is specially created for structuring, planning and implementation of the large-scale geopolitical projects. One way of the structuring of the large-scale projects in general, geopolitical projects in particular, is the structuring of them with the assistance of brands.

In general case, any brand is any label (an original name, stamp, symbol and so on) with the assistane of which some communicative line, that has special or even unique differences from the others, is selected from the overall amount of information, and the brand itself marks this line more or less clearly. Numerous names and symbols thanks to historical, political, economic and other reasons have become brands. If brands are created anew, this is done so key features of them are attractive, enticing for the general public, and brands themselves are easily remembered. All in all, the recognition and memorableness of some brand (visual, verbal, musical, olfactory) is an accurate guarantee that any communicator recognizes and remembers both the brand itself, and some of the information that is marked by this brand.

Among the large-scale geopolitical projects, we develop the following two projects:

1. Creating an eco-political alliance called BRACARUS consisting of Australia, Brazil, Canada and the Russian Federation, which in the terms of the ecological footprint metrics are now eco-surplus and have strong national economies. The alliance BRACARUS is based on the modern eco-political principles and, therefore, it is much more functional and far-sighted than the existing eco-heterogeneous group BRICS.

2. Renewal of the Kyiv Civilization Unia composed of Belarus, Lithuania, Poland, Ukraine and neighboring civili-zationally related countries, ties of which are buried into an ancient history of Kyivan Rus, Kingdom of Galicia-Volyn, Grand Ruthenian-Lithuanian Duchy and Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

The name "Kyiv Civilization Unia" is the new brand designed to structure the overall amount of information in the sphere of the Baltic-Black Sea cooperation.

In turn, the brand "Kyiv Union Civilization" is structured by other, more specialized brands:


Top Officials Say, © 2016

European Leaders Cartoonz © 2016

European Memoratz © 2016

Kyiv Song Fest © 2016

European Velo-Moto Maraphon © 2016

Kyiv Beer-Kvas Fest © 2016, and many others.


At the present time, cooperation of countries in the Baltic-Black Sea and Adriatic geopolitical region may be divided into three conditional lines. The so called Baltic-Adriatic Sea line unites 12 countries: Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia. The Baltic-Black Sea (or Ponto-Baltic, in our terminology) line unites more than 4 countries: namely Belarus, Lithuania, Poland, Ukraine and neighboring civilizationally related countries (first af all Latvia, Estonia, Moldova and maybe others). And. finally, the so called Black Sea (or Pontic, in our terminology) line unites 7 coastal and inland countries: Ukraine, Moldova, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey and Georgia, perhaps Armenia. Among these lines, the Baltic-Black Sea or Ponto-Baltic line is most functional and farsighted because its members has the most deep joint history.



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